Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Phoney Tattoo... Did You Get One?!

If you were at Western Christian College over the weekend (March 2-4) you had the opportunity to score yourself a cell phone logo at the registratioin tables. Strangely, everyone was affixing these to their biceps or foreheads. It was obvious to me that its intended purpose was to make the back of my cell phone look snappy. Not everyone fell for this shameless promotional ploy. One fellow affixed Western's logo to his wallet (perhaps as a reminder to send in his donations?).

I came home with more than that, however. First, there was the Friday night follies as planes were delayed and bands were were stranded making it necessary to rely on the John show. John showed very well. He candied us up and then blasted us with the Good News. Well done, John Close. Even a full-time gospel preacher like me needs a graphic reminder that the gospel is, was, and always will be GOOD NEWS.

Saturday I ended up in a class about a Mexico mission presented by Cindy Andrews and her daughter. It was not planned for me to be there (except by Him, maybe). When it was time for the class to begin I darted down the hall to see why none of the teens had showed up. John was starting his class on Sex in the Garden. Needless to say, the mission to Mexico presentation didn't stand a chance. Me, 3 Winnipeg friends, some Saskatoon latecomer, Cindy's parents and Cindy's aunt & uncle were the only ones there. Oh, and God showed up as well. He pulled me right into this session. Three days later I now have a 12 year old daughter who is dragging me to Mexico this summer, Lord willing. This was never a plan of mine. Still isn't! But God is turning the wheels again while I'm not paying attention.

Other things happened, like driving through blowing snow on the trans Canada rink between Moose Jaw and Regina, but the gist of this Youth Rally is that my 12 year old, who wasn't even there, and I (who can't believe I got dragged into a Mexico mission presentation) are contemplating passport photos, injections and air fares.

My prayer since back in Red Deer has been... "Wha' happened?"

John, tell Allen that I got a cool tee shirt for being storm-stayed in a Regina high school for 2 days. I did make it home with all my luggage but I left behind my day planner.

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