Thursday, February 8, 2007

Grade Six was a Long Time Ago!

This morning I won this tee shirt doing what I do best... losing to the mob.
The mob in this case was 100 elementary students at Lacombe Christian School. They and their teachers ganged up on me in an unfriendly game of 100 vs. 1 (like the tv show). I didn't stand a chance. It was Pastors Appreciation Day at the school so this was their way of toying with me. Instead of asking a Bible-related question they turned to the middle school science curriculum. Science was one of my better subjects in school and electronics was one of my hobbies then, but that was 35 years ago! I missed the question. I think maybe 4 of the 100 students missed the question. So I sat down with my other ministry colleagues and cried.
Actually, I exaggerate a little. It was a friendly game and more than 4 students missed the question. And I didn't really cry. I must admit it was actually fun. Several pastors fared better then I and went home with a tee shirt declaring themselves a winner or a toque with the school logo.
For someone who usually celebrates being correct it was a bit humiliating being beat so easily by the mob. On the other hand, the mob is overrated. I mean the real mob, not the grades 5th and 6th graders at LCS. By the real mob I mean the general public.
Most of the mob that I meet have voted with their absence from Christianity that they do not believe the Bible to be correct. It is either too narrow for their spiritual sensitivities or just plain untrue. I can't always answer the questions the world throws at me, but then the gospel is said to be nonsense to the wise of this world. I lose many of these intellectual battles.
But I will stand proudly on the contestant stage and declare my choice that the Bible is God's Word and contains everything I need for spiritual life. Of course, just having and reading a Bible is not the same as believing and obeying it. So add to my affirmative vote for the Bible's authenticity my devotion to its precepts. I get many things wrongs in life. I get many things wrong in my spiritual life as I try to follow God's Word. But I rise above the mob! Not by my superior intelligence or deeper spirituality or greater devotion. Simply because I put my trust in Jesus as my Deliverer, I rise above. I fell better.
See you , later. I'm off to go make me a new tee shirt.


Anonymous said...

Pastors Appreciation Day conjures up thoughts of a big hand-made thank you card and some cake to celebrate. Glad you haven't been scarred by the experience :o) I agree completely with your thoughts about the mob and the intellectuals of this age. I'm very much looking forward to the day when the Intellect is revealed for all to see.

This is my first visit to your blog and I'm happy to have found it. Thanks for leaving the comment on our blog at Jasmine's birth. Any family pictures of your "little" ones for one of your posts? The only mental pictures I have are about elementary school age.

Blessings to you all!

John, Angie and the kiddos said...


Thanks for your kind words concerning the weekend.

Re; Got Faith. I just went to Mikey's website and he doesn't have the dates up yet - which is really odd and very late. Hopefully its still happening.

It usually happens the last weekend in April. I'll let you know when I hear something.