Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Fitness in 2007

Every new year begins for me with a renewed commitment to get myself into better shape. This year will be no different. My membership at the local recreation center will be used to swim, run, lift weights, play a few sports and keep up my juggling skills. The few extra pounds that I carry all seem to concentrate in a couple of body zones--tummy and tush. This year I have to deal with an extra challenge, a hernia that has worsened over the last year and requires surgery. This, of course, changes what I will do for awhile until I am properly healed.

Being healthy is much more than just having my body in shape. Jesus talked about the mind, soul and spirit, also. Therefore my attention is also focused upon getting into better spiritual health. A small Bible study group with which I meet once a week has just embarked upon a set of studies from Abiding Life Ministries. Our weekly meetings will now be augmented by personal daily devotions which engage us with the material. Then our meetings become a time of sharing and mutual ministry based on the spiritual issues with which each of us wrestles. This regular spiritual exercise helps us grow and strengthen spiritually much like my time at the recreation center will helps me physically. If you are interested in Abiding Life Ministries please follow the link that I place with this blog. Don't be surprised if some of the reflections I share here in 2007 come from this material.
All in all I am looking forward to a boost to my health in 2007, both physically and spiritually. My only apprehension is that some spiritual condition may be identified for which the Lord will prescribe surgery, a sort of spiritual hernia operation.

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