Monday, January 29, 2007

Slow Down

Alberta roads are about to become a tad more exciting. My daughter Selina is set on obtaining her driver's licence. Fortunately she will begin with a learner's licence. So she's fervently studying the manual so she can pass the test in as few tries as possible. It's a cool system. You sit before a computer which gives you the exam. When you get to 17 correct answers or 4 incorrect answers, whichever comes first, the computer shuts down. You have either passed or failed (I'll let you figure out how that's determined).
But that's only half the story. The other half is that I am going to end the lease on my van as soon as possible and get into a junker for a while. The junker will eventually become the property of Will, Selina and Angeline (if it lasts that long). For now, though, I just want something cheap.
So besides finding Selina behind the wheel you'll be seeing a much different Smithmobile for a while. I'm alerting all Alberta drivers to be extra careful out there!
I'm reminded of the sign on the Anglican church that you see as you drive through Neepawa, Manitoba. It reads: Slow down, you might hit an Anglican. I agree. Slow Down! You might hit my daughter learning to drive a dilapidated car that needs to last another decade.
A sign that flashes across the highway on the way out of Red Deer reads: Slow down, the life you save may be your own!
Actually, I just think we should all slow down. Pace of life is too fast. When did my daughter get to be 16, anyways?!
...she just called for a ride from a music pratice so I gotta go.
(I can't wait til she gets her licence.)
(Wait a minute. Oh yes I can.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW . . . I can't believe that she is 16!!!!! I was scrapbooking some of my "old" pictures last night. They didn't seem that old last night but after reading this they do. Time flies . .

Good luck - I'm not sure who to say good luck to so I'll leave it generic.